We need to check our mortgage statements every month. The bank fraudsters are adding more fees and not paying the escrow. Fraudster did me wrong again. My opponents, the bank fraudsters love to financially break me so that I will stop fighting them. I found out that the servicer that took over has no license in Washington State and took my 44K by asking the Trustee for the payments. This is embezzlement and it is criminal. They have not paid for my property 2010 taxes and my hazard insurance and gave me my 1098 IRS form for my 2010 on October 2011.They did this so that I will not get tax refund and have no money to pay my lawyers. They have no shame, they used the 1098 IRS form 2012 instead of the 1098 IRS 2010 form./ Why? They did not pay my escrow.
I will continue to fight them until I will get these banksters punished .
My FIGHT is for all the people that got cheated and rights were violated and to protect right of other people so that their rights will not be violated. My case laws will prevail. Small people are mightier than the big banks.
This is me, lorina